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CAA Mediation Training

Mediator Training and Continuing Professional Education
The CAA mediator training adopts the facilitative approach. Courses are conducted in an interactive style, including mock mediation practices instructed by professional tutors to develop practical skills.

CAA offers mediator training courses on a regular basis. Currently, the courses are conducted in Chinese only. Module 1 is divided into three parts: introduction to facilitative mediation and development of dispute resolution skills; practice sessions; and application of mediation skills to resolve actual disputes. Module 2 builds on the introductory course and exposes participants to different practical situations and challenges throughout the process. participants will become eligible to register as CAA mediators upon successful completion of the two modules.

In order to promote the courts’ mediation services and reduce the courts’ caseload, the Judicial Yuan has been collaborating with CAA Mediation Center and co-hosting courses on “Mediation Techniques” in the northern, central, and southern parts of Taiwan. Most participants are judges, court clerks, mediators and other court officers responsible for handling mediation cases. To enhance the knowledge of its mediators and promote the use of mediation, the Center has been designing and offering continuing education to mediators, private enterprises, and government agencies.

The Center’s courses entail and emphasize the importance of understanding and handling of multi-tiered dispute resolution mechanisms, such as med-arb and arb-med, which are frequently used in long-term and complex construction contracts.

For future courses, please email to service@arbitration.org.tw or call +886 2707-8672.