International Involvement
CAA has cooperative arrangements regarding information exchange, recommendation of mediators/arbitrators, facility assistance etc. with 30 institutions in Europe, America, Asia and Africa. CAA is also a member of APRAG (Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group), ICCA (International Council for Commercial Arbitration) and associate member of IFAWPCA (International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’Associations).
CAA has been continuously and actively holding conferences, seminars and other events within and outside Taiwan. These include the Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules, the annual CAA-CIETAC Conference on Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Arbitration, the annual Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation, together with the biannual peer-reviewed Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, in collaboration with Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, National Taiwan University College of Law.

CAA has been continuously and actively holding conferences, seminars and other events within and outside Taiwan. These include the Taipei Symposium on International Arbitration Rules, the annual CAA-CIETAC Conference on Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Arbitration, the annual Taipei International Conference on Arbitration and Mediation, together with the biannual peer-reviewed Contemporary Asia Arbitration Journal, in collaboration with Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law and Policy, National Taiwan University College of Law.